Monday, 21 July 2008


... start another weeks starvation style diet with last night's leftover Chinese for breakfast!

Thank heavens for my "suck your fat in" slip - it turns a wobbly post baby size 16 body into a nice toned size 14! So, if I buy the next size down & wear that on top, I will be a lovely size 10 & all will be well!!! (apart from turning purple).

I always remember Tracy saying (many years ago), we all spend a certain amount of time worrying about something. Her's was money & if she didn't worry about money, she would start worrying about her & Dan's health, so she'd rather worry about money.

I've always loved that thought & tell it to loads of friends when they worry about things. So, I'm quite happy to moan about being fat!
Anyway thin's overrated - eat a pie skinny!

1 comment:

The Author said...

I still worry about Money!!!! I never ever seem to have enough. But I'm still just a 20% worrier. I try to never worry for more than 20% of the time!!!!