Saturday 16 February 2008


I'm astonished - I have spent the week not being healthy at all, eating fish & chips, sandwiches, cheese, chocolate & every chocolate product imaginable & not exercising at all & I have lost 6 pounds! Fanbloodytastic!

Apparently, on average, breast feeding burns about 700 calories a day. And when Amelia has her marathon 3 hour feeds (7pm - 10pm bless her!) it must be burning off more! Now if I can just get the rest of the family to join in, I could be a size 0 by Easter...hmmmm!.......


Christian Briddon said...

So, let me get this right, you expect Alice and I to breastfeed so that you can lose more weight?

I think not!!


The Author said...

eeeeeooooouuuwww - gross idea.....I can't imagine Christian doing 'bitty'!!!!!

Victoria said...

Actually I agree!! I'd rather stay chunky!