Wednesday, 5 November 2008


Last night whilst chopping carrots & daydreaming (not the best idea) - I chopped the end of my finger off. Not just a nick but an actual disc of finger came off - I saved it to show Christian!
After swearing, hopping, feeling dizzy & sick I remembered that my mother-in-law said that turmeric was the thing for cuts. As the initial white end of my finger started turning red, followed by a river of blood, I emptied a pot of ground turmeric into an egg cup & stuck what was left of my finger in it.

It started really stinging straight away but low & behold in under a minute it had stopped bleeding! I packed more turmeric on it & bandaged it up in kitchen roll & plasters & it still hasn't bled anymore - amazing! I do have a very yellow finger this morning, it looks like I've been smoking again! Note to everyone: keep some ground turmeric in your cupboard.


The Author said...

You clearly need to be more careful around knives - OUCH!!! Feeling pity for you an your poorly finger!!! It will be interesting to see if our finger print returns when your damaged digit heals. More care needed next time!!!

Christian Briddon said...

We have been discussing it at work and don't think that this counts as chopping off the end of your finger.

We reckon that the minimum choppage for it to count as such should be at least half way down the fingernail, requiring a trip to the hospital and for the end to need to be surgically re-attached.

Yours was indeed a bad cut but I think it need a reclassification.


Victoria said...

Well all you nerds are wrong. I have clearly lost the end of my finger - I have patched it up with plasters just like you lot fix your glasses!

The Author said...

I think what Victoria has done DOES qualify for 'end of finger' status. The trauma alone must have been huge!!! I once nearly the lost the end of my finger in a toilet cubicle door at school - which has now left me with a bumpy ridged nail - that was certainly an 'end' of finger episode. Victoria - I think you are brave and perhaps you may qualify for compensation from the homeowner? Can't wait to see you on 22nd - perhaps your digit will be healed by then? xxxx

David Callaghan said...


I took the end of my little finger off on a Forklift truck once - and it fricken hurt - A LOT