Monday, 9 March 2009


After a quick bmi check, I am no longer obese ... I am officially overweight! Who'd have thought that statement would make anyone feel proud!?

It was one of my New Year resolutions to loose 3 stone .. well 50lbs to make a nice round number & so far I've lost 18lbs so I'm quiet pleased with that :)

I was so ashamed last year to go to the British Grand Prix in size 18 jeans - ouch! If I can keep this up I will be definitely in size 12's this year - yay!


Liv said...

Yay! Well done you! It feels so great when you work hard at it and it pays off! (I am counting points at the moment in preparation for the wedding - it is the most motivated I have ever been I have to say!).

The Author said...

You're a lovely Princess Shiny Diamond exactly as you are - but well done. Remember - life can be too short to count calories. or fat content or anything as mundane as that. Just as long as you're happy and healthy - that's all that matters. I quite like your voluptuous curves :)

Victoria said...

Thank you to both you lovely ladies x