Today, Christian and I have been for my 20 week scan. I am very pleased to announce that all appears to be well inside my very large tum. We saw almost everything in quite good detail, fingers, toes, arms, legs, brain, heart and a spine covered with skin! I say almost everything because the first thing I said to the sonographer was "we don't want to know the sex!" - you have to leave some surprise for the day.
It was wonderful to see my little baby wriggling away. As she was lying on her tummy for quite a while, we were sent out to have a walk around for 15 mins to see if she would turn over so they could check her heart- she did and it was OK - ahh!
This evening she hasn't stopped moving, which is typical - this week I was worrying there was a problem as I didn't feel her move. Now we've seen everything is fine, she doesn't stop fidgeting!
I keep saying "she" - but I'm not 100% sure anymore, maybe Picard is on his way after all!