Thursday 2 August 2007


As I'm a bit out of action this week (pulled back & now a funny tummy - ain't pregnancy grand!), my housework has gone to the bottom of my list, until yesterday when I enlisted some help in the form of Alice. She has an abundance of energy and is more than happy to do things for you, so I put a clean duster on the Swiffer mop and set her on her way! She did a great job! All of our downstairs is open plan and all the floors are laminate, so I sat watching the tv giving her the occasional pointer and of course lots of encouragement and praise!

Today, the first thing she asked was "What can I dust now Mummy?", fantastic - so I have given her a hand duster and she's off again! Child labour is the way to go! If only we had an open chimney....


David Callaghan said...

This is a bit wired ...

Luke normally wrecks the house (toys thrown about everywhere), but give him his toy Dyson vac or a broom and he will happily start tidying in the house :D


Chris said...

These are all valuable tips, once baby Riley arrives I'll get it put straight to work....

David Callaghan said...

I recommend the Toy Dyson Vac... and it actually collects dust too ;)