Tuesday 31 July 2007


On Sunday morning I woke up to find I had pulled my back, don't ask me how, I thought I had slept funny or something. Yesterday it got a lot worse, not being helped by lifting Alice in and out of the car. It was agony actually, I could have cried with the pain (if I hadn't been so tough of course)! Sitting down hurt and lying down was almost impossible, normally you would take loads of pain killers and use Deep Heat and stop moaning but being pregnant you're buggered, you can't take anything. Well this morning was no better so I phoned the doctors and yippee I can have some paracetamol! I also have to sit inside on one the first nice days we've had all summer with a hot water bottle on my back, but it's actually feeling better!

As you can probably guess (with such a dull post), not much is happening at the moment!


The Author said...

Are you allowed any Marijuana, Cocaine, Ecstasy, or is it just a few paracetamol?

Victoria said...

Oooh now that takes me back to the nineties! not the cocaine bit though - I wasn't that bad!