It all happened in the early hours of Sunday 27th January, I had got up to go to the loo at about 2:45, after, I heard 2 weird ripping/bursting sounds followed a stream of fluid! Knowing full well that this wasn't wee! I sat back down on the loo & called out that old familiar phrase, "Christian, I think my waters have just broken" - fortunately Alice was staying at my Mum's as we suspected something would happen this weekend.
I phoned the hospital, who advised me to "hang on until the morning before coming in" - from previous experience Christian & I knew that wasn't going to happen - then as the fluids kept on flowing, the contractions started. The 1st wasn't too bad, 15 mins later the 2nd was more uncomfortable, another 7 mins this time & Christian began his very important job of counting out loud for the length of the contraction. This gives me something to concentrate on & an idea that by 25ish it should start calming down a bit.
Anyway, we got in the car & thus began the most horrible car journey! The contractions were coming every 3 mins & lasting 40 - 50 seconds. I feel really sorry for the poor receptionist at Jessops hospital, I walked in, gave her my name & as she was starting to tell us where to go, I started staggering around saying "count Christian, count" & moaning "oh no...pant, pant, deep breaths" & a few seconds later then said "Sorry, which room did you say"!
After my rather dramatic entrance, I was examined straight away, bunged in to a wheelchair & raced down the corridor to a delivery room - I was fully dilated & ready to push (an action which cannot stop once you're ready to go!)
6 pushes later & no pain relief at all may I add, the very beautiful Amelia was handed to me, all 8lbs & 5ozs of her, aahhh!
Christian cut the cord & photographed the placenta, like all proud fathers do! Then we sat back, ate toast & drank tea, listened to the poor cow in the next room screaming, & laughed about the most ridiculous 100mins we had just spent, since I had got up in the night for a quick wee!!!
All pictures are here.