Friday 9 November 2007


Today I am 30 weeks pregnant - hurray for me! Only another 10 weeks to go (or there about). All is still going well and time is flying by. Just this last week I have become extremely comfortable, my back pain has gone and I don't feel quite so much like a hippo turning over at night (even though I probably look like one!). I'm even getting mad energy bursts where I clean and iron and things! I've finished decorating the nursery too.

Here's a quick breakdown:
BABY- still very wriggly, with a quick heartbeat av.150 bpm - a sign it's a girl!!!
ME - 46ins waist! Total weight gain 23lbs - below average hurray!
ALICE- convinced I have a boy in my tummy & she has a girl in hers!
CHRISTIAN-not looking forward to being pushed down the family importance ladder another rung! STBY as he would say!


Christian Briddon said...

I will always be top of the family importance ladder!!!!


The Author said...

oh my goodness Christian - you still don't get it do you? Girls are great - boys just wee on the toilet seat and smell funny :)