Last Thursday was Alice's 3rd birthday. She has been asking every morning since the summer "is it my birthday today?", so was quite surprised when the answer was yes! Christian had the Thursday & Friday off work, so he was around for presents and parties. We had put some balloons up and made a massive pile of presents for when she came downstairs - much to her delight! This year she started ripping open her presents, instead of me doing it for her and she seemed to love everything. All the pc lesbians would have gone mad to see our 3yr old daughter washing then ironing her new Peppa Pig pants, cooking breakfast in her new kitchen before sweeping the floor with her new broom and dustpan & brush! Worry not ladies she likes cars (F1 thankfully) and trains too, we got her some Thomas the Tank Engine wellies!
Mum and Joseph came round at 10ish and brought more presents including a fairy dressing up dress - very lovely! We picked Dianne up at about 11am and all headed off to
Chatsworth. We thought a trip to the farm and adventure playground was in order. We lied on the way in as under 3s are free! Then went to look at all the animals - or not actually as Alice didn't want to see any of them - they were too scary apparently! Never mind we saw them, including some 3 day old piglets - ahh suckling pig yum yum! Alice did however enjoy the playground for a good 15 mins before she got bored off that and said "I want my lunch - NOW!" So we had a quick walk down to the Carridge House restaurant for steak & ale pie all round. We set off home at 1.30 so it was a quick day out!!
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