Monday 29 October 2007


Having returned home from my wonderful spa day(see below), I started to feel a little green! After about 1/2 an hour my lunch revisited - sorry! Thus began a horrible evening and night of throwing up every 20 mins or so. I thought maybe it was something I'd eaten, in the past I've have similar experiences when eating lamb in restaurants. But at 2am Alice decided to join in, so maybe it was just a bug after all.

I spent Sunday in bed, leaving poor Christian to deal with Alice. We were supposed to be at a Christening with Christian's parents but obviously couldn't go. We would have missed half of it anyway, as when the food was being served, Christian's Mum was hit with the same bug and just made it home before disgracing herself! My brother-in-law had it all Saturday night aswell!

It seems we are all better today, if not a little weak and a lot thinner!

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