Saturday 17 November 2007


Where's Christmas? I am over eagerly awaiting 25th December this year and it's still 5 & 1/2 weeks away! I have made my Christmas cake, Christmas pudding and mincemeat - I've bought cards, wrapping paper and most of our presents and there's still ages to go!

I know I sound very sad and I will peak too soon and be sick of festive spirit by mid-December, but this year it's all for a completely different reason. I love Christmas, well generally the build up to it - as we always go to Christian's Mum's for lunch and I am not actually cooking anything myself, I loose interest in the day after present opening! And I can't remember the last time I drank on Christmas day, I think it was 2001 - yes imagine me sober on the day when everyone is allowed to get pissed!, I do make up for it over the year as I'm sure you'll agree!!

But I can't wait any longer for Christmas and New Year to be over with this year, so I can get my hands on my joint-best present of all time - my scrumptious new lovely little baby! Hurry up, everything is ready for you, we just need you to complete our family. Then maybe I'll cook Christmas lunch next year and all will be mine ha, ha, haaa out Dianne!!!!

1 comment:

The Author said...

You're barking. You want a new baby and the job of cooking Christmas Dinner? Let Dianne do it for infinity... I would!!!