Sunday 8 June 2008


What a good idea cress is! It's the perfect bribe for getting children to eat eggs. Alice is currently growing some cress egg heads! First she had to eat a boiled egg & soldiers, to get the empty egg shell. Then she got to paint the egg shell. Now we are growing the cress in the egg shell. And in another 3 or 4 days she is going to eat an egg & cress sandwich! - maybe Jane could try this with Phil!

She is very impressed with her green fingers, she waters her plant every day & every morning she can't wait to see how much it has grown - very cute! I remember doing this as a child - it's exciting stuff!


The Author said...

Bless her. You can also get 'grass heads' from the garden centre if she's interested in watching grass grow!!! Mind you she can't eat that:) Growing things is great for kids as whatever it is they're growing changes every day - at this time of year especially. If you plan it right - you could put her in charge of gardening and let Christian off the hook!!!

Victoria said...

She still loves the tree you got her for her Christening, seeing it change through the seasons & she's also growing a sunflower - she can't get enough!