Sunday 23 March 2008



According to Ken Hom "In Malaysia, fresh fish is a standard item in every home". So after reading that I decided that we would try a Malaysian fish curry. I'm guessing you could use any fish you like in it, I'm going to try it again using raw large prawns, then with salmon.....
Conclusion - Very good indeed & very quick to make. Would I make it again?- Definitely & soon!

Malaysian Fish Curry:
1lb skinned fish of your choice (I used haddock)-cut into big chunks, 1 roughly chopped onion, 5cm piece of ginger & 2 cloves of garlic chopped, 2tbsp hot curry paste, 1 tsp ground coriander, 1/2tsp ground fennel seeds, 1/2tsp turmeric, 2tbsp lemon juice, 200ml coconut milk, boiled rice to serve.

1. Put onion, ginger, garlic, curry paste, spices & lemon juice in a food processor & blend together, then add 1/2 the coconut milk & blend again.

2.Pour remaining coconut milk in a wok over a medium heat, add the curry mixture & simmer for 5 mins.

3. Add the fish pieces & cook for another 5 mins.

4. Serve immediately with the rice.

1 comment:

Christian Briddon said...

This was one damn fine curry!!